Humble Rumble is a project of Digital Audio Programming...
    Its purpose is to develop soon a new plugin for synthesis and sampling in AU format for the Macintosh and after that probably also Linux and Windows.
Research and development are made by one person: my name is Fabien Auréjac, and i'm currently freelance web developer.

3 poles are involved in this project:
   • Conception and Artistic views on what a software should be
   • Programming and Optimization
   • Digital Signal Processing applied mathematics and algorithmics

Then, the deployment and distribution of the application could be helped through this website, which will (i hope so) become an exchange website for the users of the application.
Here you will find a way to learn about the application project soon, with more descriptive informations.

After the first development phase, the website will distribute the app, let users share some files generated with the program, exchange in a forum knowledge about how to use the application...

If you are interested in joining the project any way, if you have questions regarding the project or wishes, ideas to share about what you dream to encounter in an audio instrument plugin or audio plugin, feel free to contact me here

bye bye,
